Temesario LiFe

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Din categoria...cine are copii...si cine nuh?!


De prea mult timp acest blog nu a mai fost folosit la intensitatea ce o merita....cum a trecut atata timp...am uitat si parole si alte nebunii...dar nimic nu poate oprii dorinta izvorata in urma unei adunari POC ....e ceva beyond our mortal power:P

Inainte de a povesti intreaga aventura din noaptea 5/6 iunie o sa rog participantii fizici(Vic,Key,Mishu,Mada,Simu), cei virtuali deveniti fizici(Bella) si pe cei virtuali(Ancu) sa impartaseaca cateva cuvinte despre cum se simt in aceasta dimineatza...


Thursday, October 12, 2006

is it a boy ...or is it a girl?

This a sharing post from your EB ...it is the output from a wonderful EB gathering(I must conceusly mention that Simo has not...I repeat has not beendoing this output)...
It all happend on Wednesday night...and due to the tremendous importance of these concluzions we must oficially anounce each and every one of you!
Ussualy you surely imagine our meeting...in the way shown in the picture above...very concentrated...focused...on deciding and worring...caring...deciding ....updating...braining out AIESEC TEMESARIO LIFE...
Well....there are times when the EB goes mad too...and here you have...the WONDERFULL output as Mr Wiener would say..
It all started from the idea of what we want to to in the future...besides serious AIESEC or non-AIESEC plans...we always had 3 suplimentary mandatory questions:
1.How many children are you going to have?
2.When are you getting married?
3. Can I come to your 6 (or more...)weddings?(this is mada's obsesion)
Main highlits: Key, Kada,Ancush: 2 kids
In Mishu's hand the fortune reader Key :said she'll have 3
Vic: 3 GIRLZ, he'll do as many children as necesarry until he gets his 3 girlz...;)
Sim: one child whatever it might turn out!
Probably the nearest wedding is Anca's so ...iupiii!And there was some talk about her having a football team...from 2 shoots...because football clubs are really profitable businesses ....

Then we realized that we would like our children to go through an AIESEC eXPerience...so...how do we get them into AIESEC in the same time??!!hah? any hints....come one...what do you think we are?! AIESECars...due to this fact a new concept was created...the concept of

POC is a CONFERENCE! It means Conference Of Preocreation...We will meet in 10 years and make sure that our children will be born in the same time...aproximately :P
Main result of the conference:
In 9 months we create a new AIESEC generation for Timsioara!
The elected chair is DANY(for no special reason).Training session start every day from 9 in the morning till 14:00 in the afternoon and then simulation time! Proposals for traings we expect to find soon!
Then we passed on strategically thinking ahead , planning how the deliveries of the EB members will look like...this is fun people...just imagine...in the pains of labour...each of us with his/her specific QUOTE
1.Mishu:Eu pot sa fac chestia asta!Deci...eu pot sa fac chestia asta!
2.Bella: Eu mai am nevoie de timp sa ma gandesc la asta! Si nu pot sa scriu asa de repede!
3.Ancush: Eu m-am saturat...pe bune...imi bag picioarele!
4.Mada: Stii ceva...sa crapi! Sa crapi ! Sa crapi!
5. Key: Mai...lucrurrile erau planificate intr-u anumit fel...trebuie sa respectam DDLrile!
6. Simo: fatza imbufnata de Simo...si apoi " BIne"!
7. Vic: Stati ! Eu discutia asta nu vreau s-o aud! sau O chestie SCURTA sa-ti zic!
Then we ....brainwashed by Ks influence realized that this common birth adventure/project had to be planned!Yes...planned!So...
The husbands will each be responsible for ONE CSF in this project and at the end they will be evaluated with the help of the corepondent KPIs!
Imagine: Bella's husband being put in front of the Birth Meeting (BM)..."you should have bought 1345 dipers...not 1245..."the end rezult is a lot of s..t! and unhappy Birth mothers..."you are not responsible and have not furfilled you duties!"
See the similaities...?It is a unique AIESEC way of leaving your experiences...surely we will have to elect OCP of this project with 51% of the votes from the BM members!
Youth EB confessions followed soon....
Ancush was very fat!still she turned out to be a fotomodel!Also her wonderfull sister had an obsession with throwing her out of the cridle..or hands!
Vic talked so so so much! And he still does!But the he was a devil!
Mada had really curly hair and never let anyone comb it , so it had to be cut off at 5 years!She tortured her brother by pulling his hair!
Key was read haired as a child ...and she probably planned a lot!
Bella made her mother faint when she 1st saw her!
Simo...and Mishu..passed this round I think!

All in all the wine was great!The atmosphere was even greater and the FRIENDSHIP will last 4 ever!

Kisses....your BB..(birth board ;) )...
Kada, Mishu, Key, Vic, Simo, Bella and Ancush

p.s. aplications for POC are released ...apply until 15th october 2016!

us...our AIESEC...this autumn!

Victor showed me this picture this night in the office and I realized that it really expresses the way AIESEC Timisoara is now...and also the way i feel, perceive and see our LC right now!
I feel that we are having a great period with a lot of succeses in the things we do and also a lot of learning points, that help us as individuals and as teams to grow a lot!
I see us as SHINING, STRONG and PASIONATE! For me personally this is one of my greatest periods i've ever experienced in AIESEC! It's like the elements are at the perfect time, in the perfect place over all our heads!
Thanxs guys for letting me live this!
Let's keep our spirit like this all autumn and have an extraordinary new generation! I can't wait to go tommorow to the info desks and class presentations! Let's go SELL ourselves...you know what I mean!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

the trip to Buzias

Yesterday, two brave girlz of @TM went to investigate a location for RTS 2006...all the way to Buzias :) - those would be myself and Mada.
We had a very challenging start, since I beleved we could get to the train station in less than 15 minutes - which is true only if you go by tram, or if you're Superman/Wonderwoman.
So we arrived safely to the train station in Buzias...which is somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, and we had to walk 2 km to get to our dream location(s). So we visited most of the city on our way, lucky for us, accompanied by a "guide"- a dog that followed us untill Mada tried to show him some "Madaffection".
After we talked to nice ladies at the hotels, we went walking in the parc and had some wonderfull mineral water from the springs there (lovely pic on your right - yes, that is the spring, and no, that is not a real tree)
Then we went to the Diwal Villa, where apparently some of you had their LMS last year.
There was a band there, called "Prietenii Tai" that was singing live, while me and Mada shared a some french fries and grilled cheese. Naturaly, being our charming selves, we made friends with the band too ;)
On the way back, we decided to hitch-hicke (let me tell you, if you ever fell like doing that, take Mada with you- and your sure to get the ride of your life!). Last time, a BMW picked us up...now, we got on an ambulance!
It was a very intersting ride, the driver was kind enough to share some of his life experience with us, and also give us some very healthy advise on how to choose and keep your man (ladies, if you want to find out more, feel free to aproach me or Mada).
All in all, it was a wonderful day! I don't know what it was ...the peace and quiet of an afternoon in a small town, the kindness of the people we met, the beautifull songs played by the band in the restaurant or maybe the old look of the "colonade" in the parc, that made us think about times long gone...but at the end of the day, as we were on our way home, both me and Mada had a wide smile on our faces.
Yes, @ is about a lot of work and responsabilities, but it is also about times like this Friday afternoon, times which will turn into memories that will light up your whole lives...!

Bessitos, @Timisoara!
Signed: Brave Mitzi

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Our sweeet LC.....

Sunday, August 06, 2006

And Marina is here!!!

Some of us had a hard time getting up...actually they didn't manage...although they wanted....;)

Some brave nights headed early in the morning through harsh conditions towards the train station....

With passion and dedication we started waiting
Uppss....I don't think that is here....??!!!

At some time the budding night efects started to show...still we held on to our mission...

And finally there she came...our new CEEDer...Marina fron RUSSIA!!

We are happy to have you here and wish you a fantastic time in Temesario, Romania...
It is really great....now we have 5 internationals intown...a lot of different perspectives...cultures... and incredible stories to be found out!!
Nighty night... Temesario...over and out...!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Testomonies about Budding night....

Maria: Mary Mary since the Bujia..... I confess to have gone on fire tonight...my face was red all the time...
Patricsia:I confess to have been shocked by seeing the unseen...
Irina: Thy heart is thy pure...I confess to the Temessario drug....
Victor: Marie is UnbelievaBle!
Mihai: I do not admit anything...I am totally INOCENT!!! Miha it wasn't my fault...they made me do it!!!! I swear!
Kada: I confess to have seen it all...and now...you can also.......

Budding night....

And this is were we got...

After starting like that.....


In this time, girls are talking about ex-boyfriends, graduation partyes and nice boys they were with.

Mada is telling, as an old grandmom about her experiences from highschool, about how her class went at 4 o'clock in the morning to the Union Square to go and sing "Gaudeamus".

Mihai is asking if the girls want some beer. At the beginning nobody wanted, after it Maria started to drink from the bottle.

Mada is telling about a latino lover she had at a party while everybody was drinking tequilla.

Having interesting discussions while girls' situation is getting more and more dirty :D

Tomorrow at 6 o'clock in the morning everybody is going to welcome Marina, our new CEEDer from Russia, Novosibirsk.

In this time, budinca got cool and was ready to eat. The result of first testing is impressive, girls wanted to try it first, but afterwords decided to give the magnific oportunity to Mihai.

You can see the consequences...


Some pictures of Maria's past founded wawww baby... some nights spent together, ahhhh!!!

Once in a lifetime you get the chance to life experiences that you will never forget, meet the people that will challenge you more and more so you can perform and develop.
In Temesario life, where the grace is green and the girls are pretty anything can hapend; even if you will only take a look of the city, you will fell inloved in it for sure.

What are your dreams about?

Friday, August 04, 2006

after LPM...

This is how I think most fo us feel now... after LPM I believe I can fly towards my dreams...
Coming back in one of the days in the room 010 made me feel like I am home..really home... such a cousy atmosphere.... Vic and Anca's courtain idea was really great and they too...:)

First page in a long history...

This is our blog...our memories and thoughts for this summer....
En temesario pessositos!